Gitmo A Prison full of nobodies?

Gitmo A Prison full of nobodies?

I was just wondering. What if all those guys in Gitmo are just living dummies to fool us Americans in believing that George Bush was saving the world from those Muslim devils.  What if it’s kind of like a movie sound stage.  A government arrests a bunch of guys who look Middle Eastern  who are really not guilty of much. Maybe of a big mouth or some questionable friends. I mean isn’t that a really good shooooow for us Americans.  George Bush the savior of America. All those bad asses who have been corralled in Gitmo.  What if it’s just a big frigging lie.  Why are the Republicans jumping up and down like little girls with high pitched screams. I think they know that Gitmo is another one of George Bush’s big lies. I think they know they are in real trouble. I think they don’t want the truth to come out. I think we have another WMD problem for the now dead Bush Administration and the Republican Party.  I know they want it to go away. I suggest they go along with President Obama cause there is more room when the War Crimes trials begin. If that’s what they want.  Hang on guys. The truth may set them free but it might just put some of the Repubicans freaks in jail.

Transfer of Wealth

Transfer of Wealth

“Transfer of Wealth” is another one of those Republican sayings. It’s almost like a quote from Leviticus for Bible thumpers when the rich and powerful are asked or suggested or forced to give up just a little  money or power to the ordinary people.  I guess that big bus that drives around giving ‘meds’ to people who would die if they didn’t get said ‘meds’.  I think it’s called the Montel bus. That is what you call controlled transfer of wealth. You don’t hear any of the Republicans yelling or screaming about all those bonuses that Wall Street got.  I don’t recall a Republican even saying anything about the bonus’s. They want their Peeps to get all the frigging money they can beg, borrow or steal. So when you hear that phrase you know that your listening to a Republican jerk.  The “Transfer of Wealth” is like Reagan trickle down economy where the rich make butt loads of money and whats left over is given to the underlings of America.  It’s that big lie that Republicans love to use.  It has been proved that the richer are getting richer and the poor getting poorer.  No one called that “Transfer of Wealth”. If you think you are sharing the wealth of this great country, you might want to wake up. The government can’t throw enough money at the banks and at Wall Street.  It’s raining money on the east coast, for the rich and power I mean. For the rest of us it would be a  ‘Transfer of Wealth’.  You don’t see any one with wheel barrels full of money giving anything to anyone on the street. That would be a ‘Transfer 0f Wealth’.  Money belongs in the rightful hands of the wealthy not us poor or middle class folks. So next time the Republicans start their voodoo dance and talk about “Transfer of Wealth” you know it’s all just a wheel barrel full of crap.

Watch Rep. Phil Gingrey kiss the “Queen M0ms” ass.  Then watch Dick Armey make an ass out himself.  Not worry there is plenty of ass to go around.

After King George left the building there was this enormous vacuum in the party of the Peeholes.  Have no fear the big fat head of the conservative movement is live and well.  And very, very, very frigging rich. I’m talking about Rush Limbaugh. The Republicans have no leader so what do they do they let Rush to the driving.  No time in American history has a talking head had so much power. Maybe Joe McCarthy has wheel such power.  He has Republcians kissing ass like he said  someone else was kissing ass. I think Rush needs a title or a royal name. Something like the “Queen Mom” of the lost boys of the Republican Party.  John “the crying boner boy” Boehner is way way out of his league. Hopfully he will be around for a long long time. Meanwhile all the Republican need to set their alarm clock for when Rush speaks  his holy words to the lost flock.  The only problems is Rush is not a conservative nor is he a politican he is an entertainer.  He is the man behind the curtain in the ‘Wizard of Oz’. He is that giant head in that movie “Invaders from Mars” now on DVD. He is that mythical character ‘Pecos Bill’.  He is like all those to have all the answers, he is full of bullshit. So you guys keep on, keep on, dancing down the ‘yellow’ brick road.  I love a good black comedy. I  love me a big fat talking head.  Time to kiss the Pope’s Ring boys, come on kiss it, just kiss it.

Years ago I used to watch Fox News every night.  Then like the time that Moses came down from the mountain with the ten commandants I saw the light.  Now I’m amazed that it is allow even to be aired.  First of all, the Fox News Network is owned not by an American but by some Gypsy of the news world.  A man who is out to make a dime even if it can destroy a form of government  like us folks have here in America.  You see Mr. Murdock has nothing to lose and everything to gain.  If things go bad he can pick up and move on.   Can we accept this kind of ‘yellow’  journalism that Fox tries to make us believe.  Of course, we can survive Fox. There has been a lot more we have put up with for the last eight years.  Mr. Murdock owes the Republicans for his reign of the airways and the lie factory that now fills our television screens.  Pretty girls with short skirts and pretty brainless boys who read so well.  They are the Ken and Barbie dolls of  fantasy News.  It is a graveyard  for the losers of other News Networks. Glen Beck, John Gibson, Brent Hume and Gerado Rivera. I call them ‘puker’.  Hopefully Nancy Grace will soon follow. Fox is that after taste of the poison that the  Republicans left behind. The poison that gave America the worst reign of  horrorable government ever.  Mr. Murdock got special treatment from  Republicans Senators like what his name, Trent Lott, God love him. Special laws that allow him to spread his lie factory all over America.  Mr. Murdock is not of America, he does know what America  is about.  He knows about greed and greedy people.  He knows the payoff for keeping his viewers and listeners mislead and confused.  He is a Judas that is for sell to  anyone. He is a “Show me the money” kind of guy.  I just don’t think we Americans need to be for sale anymore.

I don’t know if no one on ‘The View’ heard what Ann Coulter said about the late John Kennedy.  No one said shit about.  Another free pass for the “Saddleback”.  The skinny rich bitch.  The worse kind of lesbian, a bitter one.

I ususally don’t write a post about Rush Limbaugh.  It’s nothing personal but I don’t like talking about sub-human garbage. I don’t like talking about a person who hopes we Americans fail.  I don’t like speaking his name it’s like eating my own snot. I don’t like a maggot that would love to see another attack on America from abroad.  A loser who is worse than any prisoner in Gitmo. He is an American who lives to see us Americans lose our jobs.  He would love to see us lose our saving.  He is gettie about us all standing food lines. He wants Obama to fail. He is a frigging sicko that attracts America’s sick bottom feeders.  Those twenty percent of  Americans who don’t love America because they believe that there is another America they long for. Like the streets of gold in heaven, that America doesn’t exist. The problem about speaking about Rush Limbaugh you have to admit that someone like him lives among us.  Like a mental cancer he  infects the minds of those with no

No Lipstick on this Pig

No Lipstick on this Pig

antibodies against lies and deceit. Lets us all pray for him. He is a miserable man who loves only the sound of his voice.

Most of you guys have probably have already seen this youtube about Rick Warren. It’s the new crusades of the fanatic Religious Right to save the world for Christianity. The old world Christianity that we all know and love.  That religion that has blooded the landscape of many a fine land. He wants his folks to shut their frigging brains down and do what he thinks it takes to spread Christianity around the world.  Kind of a mix between Nazis and the  Jim Jones lovers of Kool-Aid.  He wants his guys and gals to be like Nazi “Brown Shirts”.  To blindly follow anyone who spouts out Jesus and God as their holy leader. Did anyone tell birdbrain Rick that 55 million folks died because of Hitler and all them there “Brown Shirts”.  I do remember the Scripture from the Bible where Jesus was talking about “do all it takes to spread Christianity, you know kill people, stuff like that.  Ends  justifies the means. Yes, Rick Warren knows that people need to think they are the chosen ones. They need to belong to something greater than them self.  Rick is a Flem-flam man. Those Texas Religious college spit them out year after year. Most don’t have too much in brains department but they know how to use people. Rick Warren is doing God work. You think? I guess he is really is. That God that has been nothing but a destroyer of mankind. That God that loves blind stupid people who need guidance from ‘Up Above”.  All those men who Rick mention have all lost because they thought that force meant exceptance.  That they could put aside their goodness until everything was ‘straighten out’.  Then the Zealots lose control they are more evil and more deadly as history has proved. When rules don’t apply to them they are diabolical.  Maybe Rick Warren should use the Muslims as any example of true religion. People who are willing to ‘do what it takes’. Are Rick’s disciples ready to strap a bomb on their child’s back to ‘get it done’.  Maybe force feed their children poison to make a point. Rick Warren is really religiously sick. He is a psychopath that grows his ego everyday.  30,000 mindless people held up signs.  They are like the Iranians or the Iraqis or the Israelis or Muslims in Pakistans who will do what it takes. Rick Warren’s God is a God of hate and damnation and punishment. I have never understood why a God like that gives comfort to a person who is afraid and lost.  A person who pushes goodness aside for hate.  But isn’t that what old time religion is about.  It’s sad that we have so many who are willing to harm  others in the name of the “Prince of Peace”.  Screw love and all those other things that that Bible teaches, chose the Scriptures that makes you pick up the sword. That is the way of true Christianity. It has always been. All our Gods are warriors, and we follow like the genes inside our bones demand we do.  And people like Rick Warren are there to reinforce our nature.

Davy Vitter

A real man's man

A real man's man

is the only Senator who voted against Hilary’s conformation as Secretary of State.  I guess it was a sign of manhood to the others on the committee.  I couldn’t help picturing him in a diaper as he was asking questions. I keep thinking how much he would have loved to play with Hillary.  Him being the little baby in his big diaper his body cover with baby fat and hair. Hillary being a strong mother type.  Davy being a helpless little boy and Hillary the dominate female.  Such a sick fantasy for a man who should be helping this country get out a mess that he was a part of making. A man who should have resigned when he was caught buying sex from DC “hoes” as most conservatives like to call them.  Mr. Vitter is part of the dying breed of Republican who thought they would rule the world but ended up getting spanked by the likes of Hillary.  A real man by the standards of all the southern boys who know what real men are made.  A back slapping political freak that knows how to spin the yard.  Or may just another psycho boy from the wet lands of Louisiana.  A guy who is still a boy just like your good friend George Bush.

George Bush EX-PresidentI don’t know what is wrong with me. I haven’t been in the mood to blog for a while. My last actual written blog was in December. I think it must be that what I have been saying for the last two years in my blog everyone else is now saying with gusto.  Tonight is George Bush’s farewell to America speech. I don’t know how he can say farewell to America that he never knew.  He has for the last eight years showed nothing but contempt for all of us and for the rule of law and all things Constitutional.  He always thought we were as stupid as he was. We are not. I think he will find that we are not as forgiving as he thinks we are.  I think there is a long legal road back home to Dallas. I think smirky George will besmirkless before it’s all over.   We were leftys when we didn’t agree with him or Communist, or socialist and traitors, or Marxist or stupid non-understanding idiots.  George Bush’s reign on terror is over.  His reign against all things that are trulyAmerica will end.  He said that he will leave Washington with head held high. Again even a moron knows when to be humble.  The balloon that is the Bush Administration is almost empty of  hot air.  The warm that some of us had for him has now turned cold.  Will American law unleash the rath that he truly deserves or turn away from him and let him go scott free.  I think once he walks out there will be so many legal applications that will be astounding.  Hopfully, Dick Cheney will have to spend all the money he robbed from to keep himself out of jail. There must be an accounting for what these men have done to us. So we will never see this type of thing ever again.  Tonight will George Bush pardon all those crimials that he lead for the last eight years? Will he, pardon himself?  Will he be the coward that we all knows he is and wait until the very last minute to pardon his underlings in the Reign of Terror?   Bye, Bye Georgie, We hardly knew ya!  Blow us a fart on the way out.

You’ve seen him on design to sell.  Now he is just designing his body.