Conversatives or what!

July 2, 2013


In the world of Bible thumpers and gun toting dudes. All the magic seems to have gone away. I mean what the heck. The “Supreme Court” when they go my way I love them so much, but when they think like those other guys, they are devils and all that bad names we have been saving for those other bad folks. Are what they are.  I can’t believe the world has changed so much and yet not change at all. But that’s what our government wants. If  we think like cavemen, they can do what they want. One surprising think I’ve learn the last week was that it’s all about money. It’s about benefits and sharing benefits. It’s about treating people the same, that’s the problem. A little male on male hanky-panky that’s nothing. Its the money stupid. Corporate America has pretty well excepted benefits for same-sex partners . Its those Americans who want as much as they can get but afraid someone get more than them. The truth is nothing is what it seems. After the boys get finishing putting the spin on it apples are oranges and Plums are whatever they can make them. We have a congress so bad that nothing happening. It time for congress to close down and go home. Somehow its Obama’s doings. Rush Limbaugh need come to the rescue or has that time passed. Is he an “Old Timer” and out of date or is it the congress. The Jesus boys have been sold out or has the bullshit stopped. Congress is to busy doing what white people have always done, trying to keep a black person from succeeding. Cutting off their noses to spite their faces. Lets see who noses are left in the end. Will the Koch brother be able to put the Grand Ole Party back together again.


castshotNetwork TV sucks. I don’t like a Hoover, more like a Tornado. Of course, it’s because of the (Wal-Mart) China-Mart principle. Doing less and making more profit. A viewing audience of 2 1/2 million is unheard of in a world of 360 million. Will TV last as long as Movie Pictures. A media that TV tried to destroy.  Networks appear to be wholesale destruction of its own industry. From really bad writing, acting and subject matter there seem to be  an effort to destroy the whole industry. TV today is what my parents called the work of the Devil. The Devil in this case an unskilled piece of work. Repeats are real big. I can move my lips to “Law and Order” like old song, I seen it so many times. “House” don’t get he started. I’ve over to Netflix. Had enough of Dish, Cable etc. It’s all the old crap. I’m not paying to watch the same old crap. The Networks want to be like cable channels, when they can get the rating. “Drop dead Diva” was a program I watched on Sunday. I know that it is a piece of crap. But it was light and as long as left reality behind everything was O.K.. The last episode was real stupid episode and my swan song from the whole series. Network wants to lose its audience. No problem I’m gone just like millions of other TV watchers.

imagesits really sad to see Paula Deen crying and carrying-on. Suddenly Corporate American is now a moral compass for America. Especially China Mart (Wal-Mart) a company that is greedy as the come. Cutting time and wages and healthcare  as quickly as they can. A truly un-American Company. Paula Deen was brought up in the South. She cut her teeth on the word “Nigger”. Like me that was just a word. All I can say was she was setup by the Food Network or someone. The question like “Do you still beat your wife.” Is quicksand if one is honest. The person is lost. 100% of us Americans have used the word. Wal-Mart is telling that all the Southern boys and girls they are creeps if they use the word. I think Wal-Mart has no right to tell your what is political correct. All these companies that baled on Paul Deen  are the  same companies who have bale on America by sending job overseas. Do you really think they care. We all Niggers to them. Whites somehow are excluded from using what Blacks use freely.

“guns don’t kil…

April 7, 2013

“guns don’t kill, crazy motherfxxkers with easy access to machine guns do. More machine guns is the answer to our problems the NRA seems to think. We need them in churches, hospitals, Wal-marts, and schools near you. We need vending machines that sells guns, so a person can buy as needed when he’s feels wronged. Freedom is just another word for nothing else to loose you or your children.

Hamburg Small World

August 8, 2012

[ACkmg3Y64_s?rel=0] click on well worth the finger movement

Age of anti-Wisdom

June 20, 2012

With a wink, a smile, a few crocodile tears. Oh heck, a cult, a non christian religion, a Party who believes that defeating Obama is their only goal, they can no longer govern.  Red Cape (the color of his skin) of Obama is all they can see. Their mantra has been no global warming, the earth’s only two thousands years old. They ask you think but they cannot. They are age of anti-wisdon. What comes out of their mouths are absurdities and ridiculous Bush like sayings.They don’t see what fools they are but we do.The Jesters of anti-Wisdom.

What does good government have to do with all Johm Boehner’s bull shit.  He trying blame Obama for all the crap the Republicans have pulling for the last fifty years. I know Obama has been the super Hero of the Right ever since took office.  He was able to destroy the economy of the western world in less than three years.  Obama was able to do what it took Hitler almost two decades to do. Is he really the “Magic Negro” that Rush believe him to be. Its to bad that Boehner didn’t put is bottle down before he start talking. He’s from the rust belt where all the factories closed long ago. People moved away or live in shacks, of course not all of them. His party acts like it had nothing to do abortion that it was be Democrats that did it. Now again they are missing in action  as our government falls apart. Do they care how many black baby’s are aborted. The Republican have always been known for their hearts of “Gold”.  If they just act like they care maybe they can fool some of the people some of the time.  Johnny Boehner with crybaby tears should know that tears from the eyes and not the heart is “quatch”.  Bad government is a quick government.  The Repubicans know their time is running out to screw us all.    Too bad Americans don’t how great they are and how greater we can be. But not with a Congress and Senate who doesn’t know how to govern. Why do we accept their excuses. The drunk who is John Boehner is a joke. His ass is kissed by Fox crap News.  Ohio keep electing him until he closes down the state like parts of Michigan.

Miracles take two week longer

December 30, 2011

I’m back again. I can finally can use both hands on the computer. One thing I learned since May 12, is patience. Looking at the world when half body is free loading off the other, gives you different view-point. Getting all those muscles to moving again is quite a job. The mind is effected a little, hard to talk late in the day. My friend in Texas found out she had ovarian cancer so I’m lucky for just having a stroke. My friend says I was lucky to have such light stroke. He didn’t see the frist two hours of therapy everyday plus one hour in the afternoon then two hours three times a week. Light indeed. Speech has been helped by Rosetta Stone endless hours pronouncing German over and over. I didn’t want to use English, that would be too easy. They need to make edition for stroke survivors [ in english].  I’m proud of making it this far. When your life changes, you fight or be silent. Obama has done the right thing. He has done what all blacks do when fighting a mob of white folks. Rush Limbaugh summed it up, what a lot of white folks believe about  blacks “I hope they fail.” That’s been the prime goal of the Republicans since the election, not governing us people. The white elephant in the room has always been the race card. Not so much the card as race itself. We white folks have been saying  to blacks “we hope you fail” and have been doing everything possible to make it happen. Now the boys and girls of the party. Making small talk among themselves. Making out Obama does’t exist.  Thinking all along ‘that boy shouldn’t be in white house.”  Then you have the other end, all the folks who thought one man could change things all alone. All of us acting we were doing all we could. We thought it was George Bush, of course, he was just bobble toy from the Right.

I haven’t written in a while because of stroke but am getting better, thank you very much. Too our government I can’t say the same.  The money hungry  RIGHT is relentless in destroying this country. They want to get Obama they well do anything to tear this country apart. They are like wild animals they have their prey in view. Not seeing anything but they want. Their racism and the racism of has griped tightly they see nothing but their goal. They are lead the road by the money men to the end of the road. “Tar Babys”  indeed is what the President is to them. They have become much worse. They are something evil. Their have men hellbent on destroying this country. All of you cheering them on, your rewards are quickly coming. Picking fruit out in fields will fun


It’s like a suicide march to hell being the words of God. Where ‘s there no waiting.  There is no sharing the have-nots will keep all they can.
