]I think that every member of Congress and the Senate should be drug tested. They have to be on drugs or why would anyone in their right mind let Glenn Beck become the new leader of the Republican Party. Everyday he kisses the TV screen his big white lips and makes love to the camera like a French whore. Finally has tilted that fat cow Rush Limbaugh over on his side and he will never get up. It is a dream come true for everyone’s favorite metro sexual Mormon Glenn Beck. He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t getting respect from the far Right. As he has descended in the world of lunacy the Right has crown him their Czar. Rush Limbaugh his no longer the Czar of the lying talking heads of Right. If you have noticed that Glenn Beck is mentioned first now a days and the fat man is kind of also ran in the world bullshit talking heads. It’s like that movie “Animal House” one idiot tries to out do the others. I don’t know what going on.  I removed my antennal from my car and scramble my auto tune so I can’t possibly listen to those idiots. Now all I hear is Glenn Beck did this and did that, shit man is there no mercy. I can’t keep from listening to surrogates for elected Policicana who are ball less. I think that Glenn Beck should be given a badge or a pin or something. Maybe an honorary political certificate that gives him the right to speak for all the cowards who can’t speak for themselves.  Yellow dog Republicans, yeah that’s it. My God, I thought it was George Bush, it was all those idiots that surrounded him.

white boy–Glen BeckI was listening to Glenn Beck on talk-liar-radio coming back from the gym. I guess it was Glenn Beck. There were some other guys talking and carrying on like girls at a pyjama party.  Glenn was talking about Fred Thompson’s wife. “Man she is really hot. I mean hot.” He was going on about how hot Fred Thompson’s wife then all of a sudden Hilary is apart of the conversation.  “There ain’t enough horse, to not make Hilary look like a horse.”  Does Glenn Beck not know that Freddie, (the guys that reads lines for L&O) if elected he will the ugliest white leader in the free world.  This is typical for Glen Beck. The white boys from the right have nothing, nada. Glenn is a little boy who needs to grow up. Over the years, I learned that guys who always talk about women and don’t shut up  about them, usually ain’t getting any.  He can’t talk about the issues because if the did he would lose.  I’d like to see Hilary Clinton and Glenn Beck locked in a room together to talk politics. He would pee his pants. She would have him for lunch as would any one of the guys from the left. Obama would have him crying like a baby.  CNN slow slide into obviation is because of people like him and Nancy Grace. All mouth not substance. I listened to Laura Ingram on the way over to the gym.  The listeners were pounding George Bush.  It’s seems that all the people from the Right are a little upset about George. Too bad it is for the wrong reasons. Too bad it wasn’t earlier. I love the people from the Right. Nothing brings them together faster than people of color. Now the Party is going to have to pay the price of their own stupidity. I had to laugh, one of the callers was correcting someone English, six plus years with George’s speak English and now we are worried about someone English. There was a little Al Gore bashing, also. Laura kept replaying a tape where Mr. Gore used more than one syllable words and they would all laugh like some kind of George speak freaks. They weren’t use to a person being able to express his views and thoughts. I kind of  enjoy listening to people who can talk intelligently. I know its strange, but we are going to have to get use to it.

three-stooges.jpgI have been thinking all week that maybe all the war whores on the talk-radio propaganda networks should start broadcasting from Baghdad or any other city in Iraq, their choice. I was thinking it’s too dangerous for them. Then I read today on the Internet that a sixty-four year old women did just that. Went to Baghdad to report on the war. Then I said to myself why can’t all those chicken littles that love the war but hate to fight  maybe start their broadcast from the heart of the action.   Glenn Beck he is a young man who loves our country and want the American people to have the truth.  He certainly knows the answers to all the questions.  I think that now that Anne Nicole is actually in the ground  there might be time to cover, on CNN, some of the war in Iraq.  I think that Glenn could use all the words that he uses here. Call the folks rag heads.  Talk to them about Islam freely and openly. Tell them how President Bush loves democracy and not their oil. That George is a christian and he loves his fellow man.  Maybe he could interview a suicide bomber just before he set of his bomb. Let us understand what is happening over there. Maybe interview an American soldier who just lost his arms and legs.  Let Glenn express is sympathy and how all the Americans back home are supporting the war. How George will let as many of them die as necessary so his buddys will get the oil money. Tell him how the American  people  are protesting the service time extention with all their hearts.  Yes, during the commericals on America Idol their thoughts are with you. The religious right is praying for you, they know you are doing the Lord’s work. That their hypocrisy is not superficial it is heart felt. Maybe we could get Mikey (silly) Savage to go over there. A nice jewish boy. He could talk for hours about gays and how they are all those things he says. Mikey might use his gentile name because if they found out he was jewish they would do to him what he dreams about doing to gays in America. Lets don’t forget the Rush Man, he needs to grab his balls and some stooges (Cuba’s best) head on out, inform us of all that is happening in his favorite war. I don’t think his balls will be any good over there no Golf courses you know. He can tell the troops how he is doing all he can to prolong the war. No fake call in other there. No nerd call ins from young know it all yuppies. Yes, I think that slick talking guy can turn the whole damn thing around. Maybe he can invite Mr. Cheney over for an interview.  I think Cheney just made a fake trip there not to long ago.  I think these guys owe it to us to keep us informed about the war. The best place is where the action is, not in your comfortable air conitioned studio. Don’t you agree? Jane Stillwater’s Web Log is http://jpstillwater.blogspot.com/