]I think that every member of Congress and the Senate should be drug tested. They have to be on drugs or why would anyone in their right mind let Glenn Beck become the new leader of the Republican Party. Everyday he kisses the TV screen his big white lips and makes love to the camera like a French whore. Finally has tilted that fat cow Rush Limbaugh over on his side and he will never get up. It is a dream come true for everyone’s favorite metro sexual Mormon Glenn Beck. He couldn’t understand why he wasn’t getting respect from the far Right. As he has descended in the world of lunacy the Right has crown him their Czar. Rush Limbaugh his no longer the Czar of the lying talking heads of Right. If you have noticed that Glenn Beck is mentioned first now a days and the fat man is kind of also ran in the world bullshit talking heads. It’s like that movie “Animal House” one idiot tries to out do the others. I don’t know what going on.  I removed my antennal from my car and scramble my auto tune so I can’t possibly listen to those idiots. Now all I hear is Glenn Beck did this and did that, shit man is there no mercy. I can’t keep from listening to surrogates for elected Policicana who are ball less. I think that Glenn Beck should be given a badge or a pin or something. Maybe an honorary political certificate that gives him the right to speak for all the cowards who can’t speak for themselves.  Yellow dog Republicans, yeah that’s it. My God, I thought it was George Bush, it was all those idiots that surrounded him.