April 27, 2007

20716.jpgParty’s over boy and girls.  Guiliani is trying to scare us away from the Democrats by telling up what awful things they would do if they are elected.  Excuse me, has the Republican party lost their  f…. mind. On the awful chart, the Republicans have exceeded our wildest dreams.  Besides, we gave up the right to be afraid when we decided it was alright to kill hundreds of thousands of Iraqis. Sending your young men and women to the slaughter daily. We gave your right to be afraid when we tortured men and women and kept them in cages like animals.  We gave up the right to be afraid when we let all the king’s men try to destroy our government within.  By king I mean, George Bush the king of mean and hateful.  A man who said to screw the Constitution, “its only words.”  We gave up the right to afraid when we let them use the “scorched earth” policy on the laws of this country. Destroying laws that protect Americans from big business and giving big business the right to destroy our environment as they please.  We gave up the right to be afraid when we let our religious beliefs overshadow making good rational decisions. You see we lost our right to be little fraidy cats because we were the first the raise the sword against Iraq and freely give America to the Fascists.  We elected a bunch of helpless men and women who have no honor or respect for America and it’s laws. They gave over to George Bush like little children. As all the Republicans hang on to the bow of the good ship “Bush Titanic” watching as the sea of discountent surrounds them.  They don’t have the right to be afraid. You see, they bought the ticket. It was lap of luxury, but now the ship is going down, fear not for He is with you. Remember when the word “liberal” was frightening and now it’s almost warm and fuzzy.

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