triangle-pink.gifIs there anyone in the real world that believes that the ex-gay movement is for real. Hell, the majority the people wouldn’t know a gay man if they saw one unless he was real obvious. Ted Haggard was in front of all those thousands and thousands of believers and not one thought he was gay. huh. So I guess the ex-gays that are really nelly or maybe someone over using the s’s thingy needs rehab.  I mean if you can’t  detect them how you going to cure them. It’s really not about curing them. It’s about controlling them.  You see gay don’t have the same fear factor as do straights. I’m not saying that they don’t have a fear factor, it just not the same.  If you don’t know how to control someone especially the religious right, then you have a problem.  That’s why gays in any repressive society are so despised, not because of sex acts but because the powers that be can’t control them like they do straight people.  Straight religious people are already fearful and it just takes a little to put them in line. For instance, the Iraq war will go on for years and thousands of men and women who are alive today will die. The straight religious folks have been convinced that it’s the right time or the terrorist will follow us home. So in the end, the masses are control just by a little push from the government. The gays have no stake in the war because they are outsiders and what they say doesn’t matter. The gays that are fighting a straight man’s war and being patriotic and loyal get nothing in return for their sacrifice. They are considered as part of the straight society. Fighting a war that the religious right backs but don’t fight in. The religious right always loves a good lie. The lie has to be big and ridiculous for them to believe. Religion is about the human ‘heart’ not the human mind. That’s why they have such a problem with trying to make the physical facts line up with their beliefs. It doesn’t matter. What’s does it matter how old the earth is when your trying to save souls. They condemn gays for their sins but they support a war that has killed hundreds of thousand and will kill more.  Religion can play the ex-gay game. Mental health people have long since decided that there was nothing they could do and acceptance was the only way a person could function happily in society. There has been millions and millions of dollars spent trying to fix sons and daughters without luck. Men and women who sincerely wanted to be straight have spent fortunes to no avail. There is not magic. The religious right might just have to accept a person for what he or she is. I don’t think they are big enough for that. I assure you that Ted Haggard will the the only gay person ‘cured’ in our lifetime. The Holy Bible is full of forgiveness and understanding, hope and love for everyone except gays it seems.  When you no value in human life, it seems no one is spared for the trip to the gas chambers.