Sarah Palin Distrubia

July 4, 2009

I know I’m dyslexic. I mean I am really dyslexic. I am at an advantage however because the world is meeting me half way. I turn on the TV. What do I see nothing but Michael Jackson. The butt of a joke by every straight man in the world and now he is a God. I can’t believe whole network cable News has shut down like when Anna Nicole Smith died. It’s News at it’s best. It’s News that  spoon feeds to us like we are quadriplegics. It’s easy News cause no one has to do anything. It’s news from the past and it’s a blast. People who we  have started building a feeling of believability are there eroding their creditability by creating this faux News which is almost endless. Then Mrs. Distrubia herself Sarah Palin resigns in a bizarre way. In her own words she is leading by stepping aside. I hope more Republicans start thinking like her. I knew Mrs. Palin was doomed from the start.  She’s a big fish in Alaska but in the real world of politics downunder she was a guppie. She doesn’t have the smarts to hold her own. She was unable to maintain control of her mouth or her thoughts.   She appears to be “trailer trash”  from the frozen North.  The men of Republican politics will be really celebrating this fourth. One less crazy female voice like Michelle Bachmann or Oklahoma’s finest crazy lady, Mrs. Sally Kerns who is still playing the homo card to consolidate her limited base. Then we have Sorth Carolina Mark Sanford who gives Distrubia a whole new meaning. A man who is trying to convince us all he is not being dragged around my his penis. To add to all this Distrubia is our President’s inability to govern when it comes to gays in the military.  If there was a price tag involved maybe a stimulus package that required billions of dollars then DADT would be history yesterday.  That’s enough Distrubia for one day.